New from Tronic Studio is an Adidas viral spot starring porn star adult entertainer, Jenna Jameson.

From Vivian at Tronic:

Jenna Jameson flexes her muscles as never before as a mallet wheeling, white clad, arcade obsessed femme-fatale in this viral spot for Adidas. Conceived, directed and animated by NYC creative collective Tronic this spot gives a whole new meaning to being hit over the head.

It’s a pretty decent ad, nicely surreal and of course including long lingering shots of Jameson. So in that respect, probably perfect for the web audience of teenage boys. On the other hand, it’s an interesting move by Adidas to have Jameson endorsing their products - she has a pretty amusing set of titles in her filmography.

Maybe I’ve got used to the conservatism in Australia - here in Germany people seem much more relaxed about sex after all.

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