Design Politics Online, On Sale

After a lot of behind the scenes work switching from the live event and working out how we make the virtual one engaging, we are delighted to announce Design Politics 2020 (This is HCD’s first conference) is back on sale.

You can buy tickets here.

I’ve often wanted to put on a design conference in which no designers presentt, but other people who are interesting and whose experience you can take back into your creative life. Design Politics is, thus, intentionally small with seven world-class keynote speakers from a variety of backgrounds: Lou Downe, Marc Stickdorn, Dr. Kate Dawson, Bulelani Mfaco, Dr John Curran, Vimla Appadoo and Gerry McGovern. Workshops by Lou Downe, Marc Stickdorn and Vimla Appadoo. Hosts are Gerry Scullion and myself.

It is now a fully online event with the same dates of June 16th, 17th, and 18th. Each session is repeated twice in the day, making it easier for people from different timezones to attend.

Hope to see you there. Please spread the word for us!

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