Andy Polaine

Design Leadership Coach, Service Design & Innovation Educator, Keynote Speaker, Writer, Podcaster

Navigating the Leadership Dip Book

Navigating the Leadership Dip Book

I’m planning a new book on the psychological experience of transitioning into creative leadership. From my coaching practice, I know the shift from IC to …

How to deal with jargon

How to deal with jargon

This week’s coaching reflection is all about dealing with jargon and …

The Work Never Speaks for Itself

The Work Never Speaks for Itself

“I hate politics, the work should speak for itself.” It’s a …

Navigating Difficult Work Relationships

Navigating Difficult Work Relationships

Work is most often stressful not because of the amount of work part, but …

Servant Leadership or Burnout Martydom?

Servant Leadership or Burnout Martydom?

The idea of “servant leadership” is quite popular, but in my …

Developing presence and confidence in leadership

Developing presence and confidence in leadership

What do David Byrne, David Bowie and Beyoncé, all have in common? …

How To Use An Experience Portfolio To Plan Your Career

How To Use An Experience Portfolio To Plan Your Career

Roles and titles are abstractions from the actual day-to-day work activities …

How rules set you free to give great feedback

How rules set you free to give great feedback

Rather than being constraints how can rules set you and your teams free? How …