Power of Ten

On the Power of Ten podcast I talk to guests from a broad range of disciplines about the intersection of design, technology, psychology, organisations, culture and society. We explore how design operates at many levels and in many forms, from thoughtful detail through organisational transformation to the changes in society and the world.
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Scott Smith - How to Future

Scott Smith - How to Future

What better way to start the new year but with a look into the future? My guest in this episode is Scott Smith, founder and managing partner of Changeist …

Ewan McIntosh - Creating the Space for Learning

Ewan McIntosh - Creating the Space for Learning

In this episode Ewan McIntosh, founder and CEO of NoTosh, shares his experience of designing and creating spaces to enhance learning. N.B. the old feed is no …

Theresa Neil - Designing Digital Therapeutics

Theresa Neil - Designing Digital Therapeutics

In this episode my guest is Theresa Neil, author of Mobile Design Pattern Gallery, published by O’Reily and co-author of Designing Web Interfaces, also by …

Joe Macleod - Designing Closure Experiences

Joe Macleod - Designing Closure Experiences

This episode’s guest is Joe Macleod. Joe has decades of product development experience across digital, physical and service sectors. Previously Head of …

Lisa Welchman - Managing Chaos

Lisa Welchman - Managing Chaos

My guest in this episode is Lisa Welchman. Lisa has written and blogged for 16 years about digital governance and wrote the leading book on this critical …

Ariel Waldman - Hacking Science for Collaboration

Ariel Waldman - Hacking Science for Collaboration

This episode features Ariel Waldman. Ariel makes massively multiplayer science, creating an unusual collaboration that infuses serendipity into science and …

Gretchen Anderson - Mastering Collaboration

Gretchen Anderson - Mastering Collaboration

In this episode I speak with Gretchen Anderson. Gretchen consults with clients to inform their product strategy and improve team collaboration skills. She …