Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Placeopedia - linking Wikipedia with Google Earth

No idea why I didn’t blog about this a while ago, but I just pulled Placeopedia’s feed into Google Earth. Placeopedia links Wikipedia articles with …

Less Work, More Play - presentation at Neue-Digitale

I’ve just had a very enjoyable afternoon at Neue-Digitale in Frankfurt interviewing co-founder, Olaf Czeschner, for Desktop but also giving a presentation …

Ninja-Man hits the one million mark

Three of my ex-students, Adam Searle, Johnny Jei Le, and Jason Chow spent the last year re-building a Flash platform game called Ninja-Man that they originally …

Time Smear Demo

Along with the Flow paper I just posted I also showed a demo of my Time Smear piece, which uses a slitscan method that is rather popular in interactive circle …

The Flow Principle in Interactivity

The Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment 2005, Sydney, Australia November 23 - 25, 2005 have been released online. The …

'Birds' - the new clip from Pleix

Paris-based collective, Pleix have just finished their new clip called Birds for Vitalic. The clip features extreme slow-motion footage of dogs jumping and …

Google Earth now for Mac

If you are a (the) regular reader of Playpen you’ll know of my fascination for Google Maps and Google Earth. Google Earth is a downloadable application …