Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Louis Poulsen PH5 Lamps For Sale

[Update 18th Nov 2012: I’m pretty much sold out of these now. I have a couple still with dents and dings and may be able to create one decent lamp or …

Talking Service Design at Parsons NYC

On my way back from the (very good) Interaction ‘11 conference in Boulder I’m stopping by in NYC and giving a talk on service design at …

Understanding Interactivity Through Play

Some months ago I officially became Dr. Polaine (Andy Polaine, PhD. for you Americans) and have been planning to write a series of posts about the main themes …

Simon Rattle on Education

“We have been educating people for many years to be a certain type of person. We have been educating for a society that maybe is gone. We need more and …

Desktop columns online - onlab

Desktop magazine are republishing some of my previous Foreign Policy columns for their website. It’s good to see these get a new lease of life. The first …

Learning to Teach Online - a great new resource

COFA Online has just launched an excellent new resource for lecturers getting into online teaching and learning. I have taught in several other institutions in …

Hello Dave. I'd like to interview you.

Hi folks – can you help me find some interviewees? I’m working on some initial research into Ambient Assisted Living with the iHome Lab here in Luzern. …