Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Reclaiming the Role of Designers

I wrote some thoughts about the life of a creative person for my students a while ago, and recently commented on Rick Poynor’s article about the Soul of …

A new set of design principles

The latest issue of Desktop is out with an article by me called A New Set of Design Principles. It’s based on interviews with Stefan Sagmeister and Milton …

Reactable cacophony

Evidently Reactable has been around for a couple of years, but I hadn’t heard about it until one of my ex-students, Gabi, sent me the link. Undoubtedly …

Stealing the soul of design

There’s a great piece by Rick Poynor in Icon called The Soul of Design in which he de-bunks many of the management consultant myths and misunderstanding …

The Worst Windows Ad ever

This promo for Windows 386 is combination of a terrible product and hilariously awful creative. I suppose they thought a rap would make it all, you know, crazy …

Touchscreen Magic Mirror

The Big Space have added an ultrasonic system from Sensitive Object to their Magic Mirror to enable it to also be a touchscreen. Nice to see that collection of …

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre

I’m super happy to see Chris O’Shea’s post about his visit to the Kinetica Museum to see the retrospective exhibition of the Cabaret …