Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Master of the Universe

I’ve written a few times about the work of Jonathan Harris and We Feel Fine remains one of my favourite combinations of data visualisation combined with a …

Interview on WorldChanging

A quick pointer to an interview about the Creative Waves VIP Project with Rick Bennett and I on the very excellent If you’ve been …

Goodbye Lilian

It’s not been an easy year for deaths in the family. Although I rarely post personal things on my blog, for some reason - at least to me - it feels like …

Browser OS and applications from Xcerion

Information Week’s story about Xcerion, a Swedish software company building what is pretty much a browser-based (read: XML) operating system is …

Adaptive Path research Second Life. Yawn.

It’s been interesting (in that way that your mum says your clothes are ‘interesting’) to see all the hype excitement about Second Life build …

Company relationships are like a marriage

Kathy Sierra over at Creating Passionate Users just made a brilliant comparison of customer relationships to personal relationships. She points out that many …

Inane Searches

Sometimes I trawl through Playpen’s stats to see how people find me. (Yes, yes, navel gazing - don’t tell me you don’t do it too). Anyway, I …