Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

The Black Box Interface

As most of us know, phones don’t make brilliant music players or games machines. Sure, they can do that stuff, but the 0 to 9 buttons, tiny screen and …

Playful Interactivity

I have just read great paper called Adding Playful Interaction to Public Spaces by Amnon Dekel et al. from The Hebrew University Jerusalem and The Bezalel …

What's in a name?

] Okay, this has nothing to do with the usual subject matter of this blog, but it was far too amusing not to post. A long time ago my family started looking …

Bauhaus Blog

Not really a post that may be of interest to lots of you, but I have started a new blog for those of you who are/will be my students from the Bauhaus (or anyone …

The Changing Nature of Play

I just stumbled upon Matt Locke’s post about play and technology, which is very much worth a read if you are interested in the intersection of play, …

Line Rider

Line Rider is possibly one of the coolest toys I have come across for some time since SodaConstructor or some of Fabrica’s toys. It’s a really great …

An Interface Too Far

I was interested to see this video on YouTube for the BumpTop interface that mimics a ‘real’ desktop. Interested but disappointed. The whole idea of …