Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Two-Way Tangible Interface: PICO

[](hysical Intervention in Computational Optimization) PICO (Physical Intervention in Computational Optimization) by James Patten is a tangible interface that …

Postful ripped off

[UPDATE: There are several updates to this post, which has made it a bit confusing to read. I don’t like deleting posts, so it’s mostly persevered …

Game and Watch

Whilst Googling around for some examples of Nintendo’s Game and Watch I came across the aptly-named Game and Watch site, which snapped me back to …

A balanced view of Second Life

I promised I would stop ranting about Second Life and I will. Putting People First (the experientia blog) have a balanced post called Second Thoughts on Second …

British Telecom's Lesley Gavin on Virtual Worlds

Okay, so the whole Second Life theme is getting rather a good going over on Playpen at the moment. I think I’m probably going to have to stop writing …

Data Visualisation Approaches

There’s a great post on Data Visualization: Modern Approaches over at Smashing Magazine. Some of them are pretty well-known, like Newsmap and (one of my …

Send Snail Mail via E-mail

There’s been quite a bit of debate (and strikes) surrounding the privatisation of postal services. Whilst strikes has been going on, private postal …