Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Be A Good Friend

What a joy to discover Steven Blyth’s My Social Fabric project (thanks to Mike Coulter at Digital Agency). Essentially the My Social Fabric project gives …

Insights into Jonathan Ive

Businessweek have a great selection of in-depth articles about Apple’s Senior Vice-President for Industrial Design, Jonathan Ive and they give a real …

MTV vs YouTube

I’ve been catching up with my blog reading and thought Todd Dominey’s point about MTV trailing YouTube was worth a re-blog as it hooks into what I …

Steal This Film

I finally got around to discovering, downloading and watching the documentary, Steal This Film about the MPAA’s attempts to shut down the Swedish …

Hidden Gems in Apple's Announcements

Of course there is the usual commentary on Steve Jobs’ new Apple announcements and no doubt this will add to the slush pile, but I think there are a few …

Benettonplay Toybox

Whilst we are talking about all things Fabrica, go and play in the Benettonplay Toybox - lot’s of amusing little interactive pieces to prove the point …

Interview with Andy Cameron

The ever-brilliant and plugged-in Regine Debatty from recently interviewed my previous lecturer and co-Antirommer, Andy Cameron, now …