Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

New Tracker for OpenFrameworks on its way

Seth Sandler, one of the students that snagged a Google Summer of Code place at the Natural User Interface Group, is developing a port of NUI’s …

A List Apart Survey

You might not believe it from the state of Playpen, but I do make websites from time to time. If you do, go take the ALA survey.

Omnium. The Conversation on Notes on Design

Notes On Design invited Rick Bennett and I to talk about our experiences of long-distance and global online creative collaboration within the Omnium Research …

Time Smear Download

Photo by Greg Turner Whilst writing up my Time Sketches work I realised I never put it up for download anywhere. Now I have and you can download an OS X version …

Rubik's Cube. Magic.

During some research into the history of Rubik’s Cube for my PhD, I stumbled across this video of freaky mind control an amazing trick by Keith Barry …


Spotted this ad on my supermarket trolley at the weekend. In my English head I immediately read the ü without the umlaut. I don’t think ‘Künz’ …


LastGraph has been updated. If you’ve not seen it before, it’s a data visualisation tool for your LastFM profile. I stopped scrobbling for a while …