Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Necessary Procrastination

Interaction guru, John Maeda suggests that procrastination might be useful after all (hey, I bet that’s what you’re doing right now right? Reading …

New BMW 'Say No' Ad

Whilst writing that story about You Tube I spied BMW’s new “So No To Compromise” ad and website. It’s a US ad and is aimed at giving BMW …

You Tube Advertising Dollars

Some enlightening “theoretical” figures being bounced around in Endgaget’s series about You Tube’s potential for generating revenue. …

Fake Beer in Germany

Fake beer? In Germany? Sacrilege! Slightly off topic for this blog, I know (well, okay, it’s about design and I live in Germany), but Deutsche-Welle have …

Get Smart with your metering

Quick post about the BBC’s story on Smart Meters - the meters, designed by More Associates show you exactly where all your energy is going. The theory …

Finland in Euro Monster Rock Shock

Once again I ‘accidentally’ ended up watching the Eurovision Song Contest. No really, I was reading and had the TV on in the background. Anyway, …

New theme

It’s about time I had a new theme I felt. Noodling around with themes is a great way to fritter away real working time. As usual I haven’t had time …