Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

New Clothes

If you are a regular reader (yes, you’re the one), you’ll notice that Playpen has had a spruce up with a new theme. If you’re thinking it …

Interview and profile of Dan Saffer

Core77 have just posted an interview and profile I wrote on Dan Saffer and hhis new book, Designing Gestural Interfaces. Dan talks about his vision for future …

Amazon Reviews

Oh the irony. Unfortunately you can’t post links on’s reviews, which is probably a good thing so that it doesn’t become overwhelmed …

ADC Awards Deadline 23rd Jan

I feel very honoured to have been asked to be on the interactive jury for the ADC awards this year. My thanks to Brendan Dawes for the invite. The deadline for …

Code, Form, Space Symposium

This Code, Form, Space symposium looks like it will be great. Is anyone going who will be blogging/twittering it?

Homeland Security - Worst Alert Box Ever

I’m on the interactive jury for the Art Directors Club Awards this year, which I am very chuffed about. Not least because I get the chance to go to New …

Jonathan Harris on the Creative Review Blog

I seem to have been writing about Jonathan Harris rather a lot recently. Following the piece on Flash on the Beach I wrote in Creative Review in November, an …