Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Code Beneath the Surface

This developer from Infusion is showing off some of his modifications to Microsoft’s Surface at I Live To Code. The table has several cameras underneath …

Troika - Digital by Design & Interview

Troika have a new book out called Digital by Design: Crafting Technology for Products and Environments . It is a wide-ranging survey of works that use new and …

The Rules of Currency

Image: J0nB0n Stephen Sniderman’s excellent 1999 essay, Unwritten Rules, in The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology talks about the tacit …

Random is Good - Biscuit Tin

The good folks over over at magneticNorth have just made another typically mN piece called Biscuit Tin (that’s ‘Cookie Tin’ to you American …

Tim Brown on Serious Play

I would have loved to have gone to the Serious Play conference, but seem to remember it cost serious money too. This talk from Tim Brown of IDEO sums up a great …

The Network Generation is in The White House

Photo: barackobamadotcom on Flickr It is hard to overstate just how different these US elections were and what a shift in thinking Obama and his campaign …


AC/DC’s Rock ’n’ Roll Train created as ASCII art in an Excel spreadsheet “smashing through the corporate firewall”. I’m …