Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Are you my 100th coachee?

Are you my 100th coachee?

Although I have been mentoring designers of all levels for years as part of my work, I am formally in the fifth year of my design leadership coaching practice. …

Mediocrity and the current state of design

Mediocrity and the current state of design

I wrote a long essay in my newsletter about mediocrity and the current state of design. It was largely in response to Robert Fabricant’s The big design …

Defensive Calendaring Tips

Defensive Calendaring Tips

As part of my book writing process, I have been putting out videos on my YouTube channel about the topics and sections I’m writing. Many people will tell …

Leaving Substack

Leaving Substack

Just a quick note to say that I will be moving Doctor’s Note from Substack to Buttondown1. You don’t need to do anything to remain subscribed and the archive …

Leading versus Enabling

Leading versus Enabling

Although I coach design leaders for a living the obsession and even the word “leadership” has always made me uncomfortable. The kinds of articles you find in …

Busywork is junk food

Busywork is junk food

Back to back meetings, clearing through email and Slack messages, admin might feel like work, but isn’t really purposeful. It’s just busywork and …

YouTube Channel for Design Leadership Coaching Tips

YouTube Channel for Design Leadership Coaching Tips

I recently launched my YouTube channel with a new series of videos of advice, tips and thoughts about the journey into creative leadership, based on 30 years of …