Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

The Cheapest Generation

The Cheapest Generation is an interesting piece over at The Atlantic about “why millennials (Gen Yers) aren’t buying cars or houses, and what that means …

Winterhouse Institute

The Winterhouse Institute focusess on non-profit, self-initiated projects that support design education, as well as social and political initiatives. What the …

The Daily Monster

Stefan Bucher’s inky fellas.

phofa - John Warwicker

A blog from the Waracle.


UPPERCASE. Making, creating and curating visual culture.

UXpod podcast interview

Gerry Gaffney interviewed me about service design and UX for the UXpod podcast a few weeks ago and it’s now online. You can play it on the UXpod website …

Protection Racket

On Thursday, Google launches a new service called Contributor that Gigaom bills as “a crowdfunding platform for publishers.” According to Gigaom, …