Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Bad Remote

I saw this at Ray and Rachel’s house the other day. They had stuck the stickers on for Ray’s dad, but the point is that the interface should have …

Pixel popping on the phone

I just had an update from Karl Willis about a project called Twelve Pixels that he has been working on with Dr. Ivan Poupyrev at Sony’s CSL Interaction …

The playfulness of everyday things

As if they had been the perfect students of my Interactivity, Play and the Everyday project at the Bauhaus, art/design cooperative, BCXY have been working on a …

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer talk at the Tate Modern

One of my all-time interactive installation heroes, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, is giving an artist’s talk at the Tate Modern tomorrow. He is representing …

Leopard - death of the application?

I assume that most people interested in Apple, operating systems or UI design have seen Steve Jobs’s WWDC07 Keynote by now. He shows off lots of new …

Another Antirom RGB performance

I was clearing out some old CDs and found a Videobrasil XII one with this Antirom RGB performace on it. I think Gisela may have shot the footage as there are …


Nice to see Microsoft doing something truly groundbreaking, or at least acquiring something truly groundbreaking. The above demo of Photosynth and Seadragon by …