Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Desktop 2007 Create Awards

A quick plug for Desktop Magazine (the home of much of my writing) as their 2007 Create Awards are awaiting entries. So, if you were one of my ex-students or a …

Play matters. Do it first.

As you know I think and write about play quite a bit and am a big advocate of most of what Pat Kane writes about in The Play Ethic. My interests are a …

Big Switches and Panels

If you’re into interaction design you should already know of Dan Saffer, interaction designer at Adaptive Path and author of Designing for Interaction. …

Jonathan Harris Coolhunting Video

Following up on my recent post about Jonathan Harris’s new work, Universe, Mike alerted me to this video interview with Jon on Coolhunting. It’s …

Google Map anomolies and Twitter

Two posts in one, what a bargain. Karl sent me a link to Craig’s Flip Flop Flying blog because of his post about Google Maps anomalies. Basically as …

37 Signals interview

In keeping with my re-release of prior interviews and articles I have written, here is the one with the good folks at 37Signals. It’s a little out of date …

Reveal your Hidden Life

We all have inner thoughts, secrets and dreams that we fail to manifest and carry around with us like shiny gems hidden in our pockets. After a while they weigh …