Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

O'Reilly Webcast: Designing cross-channel service experiences

A quick cross-post from our Rosenfeld Media book blog. Ben, Lavrans and I are going to be doing (giving? What does one say…?) an O’Reilly Webcast titled …

Director 12 Publishes to iOS and Adobe's Wallet

The new release of Director 12 publishes to iOS, which is big news to old Director hands like me. I believed that Adobe had let Director starve to death in the …

Guide to Camera Types for Interactive Installations

Guide to Camera Types for Interactive Installations is an absolutely brilliant, detailed round-up by Blair Neal (@laserpilot). I recently had to do some …

Self-Ethnography and the Quantified Life

(Image: Nick Felton’s public data on Daytum) Marius Watz has put together a great compilation of “possible resources of interest in connection with …

Students, Ideas & Prototyping

While perusing Nicolas Nova’s post on Prototyping session with post-its and cardboard at EPFL I followed his link to Stickers on Boxes, a …

Marco on The Surface

Marco on The Surface is a great subjective account of visiting a Microsoft store and trying to have a go on a Surface Tablet. This bit sums it all up: The …

Kickstarting the Light Fantastic

I just backed a new Kickstarter project, Light by Moore’sCloud. What is it? Here: The light that turns you on Beautiful, intelligent, connected light. …