Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

US Airforce or Videogame?

Not really the usual fare of Playpen, but through a strange Google Ad placement that I clicked on I ended up at the U.S. Airforce’s propaganda recruitment …

Bubble Sequencer

Adding to the ever-growing list of things that my ex-students now do much better than I, Karl D. D. Willis is working on a playful new project called Bubble …

Multiperson multi-touch interface

A while ago I wrote about Jeff Han’s multi-touch interface and of course it got a lot of attention off the back of the iphone’s similar interface. …

Dialogue with Malcolm Garrett

I have been writing articles for various design magazines for over eight years now, mainly for Desktop in Australia/NZ, and felt sad that many of the very …

Everything is a Toy with RFID tags

I’ve already posted some thoughts about this project by Yuichiro Katsumoto on the Bauhaus blog so I won’t repeat here save to say that I like this …

Art Haus

This skit from on a pretentious Big Brother-style ‘art haus’ full of pretentious artists (with German accents) had me chuckling. I have seen a …

Yes, it's five things.

I’ve seen the Five Things meme floating around and now Nik tagged me. If you’ve no idea what I’m talking about, like Nik I’m going to …