Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

WebEarth via Google Maps

Amazing images from Google Maps new satellite imaging feature posted over at James Turnball’s Google Sightseeing blog. Jason Kottke has also posted a …

The Economist gets on the Hughtrain, Cluetrain and nails the coffin of advertising

Just caught the last issue of The Economist with their feature and survey on “Consumer Power”. It makes pretty interesting reading for anyone …

Creative Waves

I’m taking part in another online education project called Creative Waves - a collaboration between Icograda and the Omnium Project run by my friend and …

Piracy and Music sales

Interesting post about music piracy realities from Richard over at the Gadget Lounge (and also cross-posted on the Gadget Show on the Podcast Network). It …

Killing trackback spam with MT-Moderate & co.

Just installed Chad Everett’s MT-Moderate plugin in an attempt to cut down on Trackback spam, which has, let’s face it, been more than my real …

Fastest robot in the East

Hitachi have just created the “fastest robot” called Emiew. The inventors want it to be able to keep up with people, hence the wheels. Pal, one of …

The phone is dead, long live the phone

So, the telcos are still banging on about how voice over IP (VOIP) won’t affect their business or that it will and it’s unfair (poor darlings). Yet …