Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Amusing Fenec Preferences

Thought I had posted this weeks ago and found it loitering in my scheduled posts. Entertaining set of preferences descriptions for Fenec, Mozilla’s new …

Interaction Design for Behavioural Change

Interaction design is all about changing people’s behaviour. Without the action > reaction part, there is no interaction. Whether you click one button …

Interactive Video Object Manipulation

I have noticed I have been posting a lot of videos recently – I’m not sure if that’s me being lazy or that some things are simply a lot easier to …

Line-Drawings, Cameras and New Videogames

Karl reminded me of two new games for the Playstation that depart from the normal 3D extravaganza. The first is another EyeToy game called EyePet. Basically you …

Amazon Christmas Checkout

Just spotted Amazon’s Christmas-themed shopping cart. Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference.

Children Playing Video Games

The NY Times web site has a great video of children playing videogames from photographer and video artist, Robbie Cooper (you can watch a higher quality …

Humans Aren't So Bad After All

I twittered about this the other day and I know it’s been doing the rounds of the interweb, but wanted to post about it properly. The film has nothing to …