Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Zeitguised Interview

I interviewed crazy animation duo, Zeitguised, for the last issue of Desktop. I’ll post it here once my three-month buffer from Desktop’s publishing …


Following on from those thoughts about the Nintendo Wii, I noticed an Engadget re-blog of a Chicago Tribune story about folks in a retirement home getting into …

Omnium software released as Open Source

Last night the new v4.0 Omnium software that runs all of the Omnium projects, such as the Omnium Creative Network and the forthcoming Creative Waves 2007 (as …

Periodic Table Table

Theodore Gray now has a whole range of the most beautiful Periodic Table posters for sale. Gray is well known for his wooden Periodic Table, erm, table. But …

Poke Wins With Cock

Thought that title might get your attention. Congratulations to Poke for their Digital Design - Commercial win at the Design Week Awards 2007 with …

Backup iTunes online with Bandwagon

I’ve been struggling with separate iTunes libraries on different machines for a while now and I also made a stupid command line error a few weeks back …

Magic Mirror

The Big Space have created a Magic Mirror for retail environments. It utilises RFID tags and a rear projection onto a mirror (and, of course, magic) to blend …