Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Photo check deposits fail from Chase Mobile App

Photo check deposits fail from Chase Mobile App – Marco Arment details why Chase’s idea of a mobile app with which you can photograph your cheques and …

Entrepreneur designers in final form

Entrepreneur designers in final form - Liz Danzico has posted a thorough set of links to SVA’s IxD MA (@svaixd) brilliant course (in Europe we would say …

Does Your Research Exist?

Does Your Research Exist? Another great list of tips from John Thackara about how to get your research out there in a useful way. These three are particularly …

Design research: sorting your shoe walking from your talk talking «

Design research: sorting your shoe walking from your talk talking « is a good piece on being realistic about design research and choosing the appropriate method …

On The Value of Tinkering

On The Value of Tinkering is a thoughtful piece by Jeff Howard on the issues of teaching service design: An entire generation of web designers have bootstrapped …

Germany Is a Nation of Grumblers

Germany Is a Nation of Grumblers says SAP Co-Founder Hasso Plattner. Maybe they wouldn’t be if SAP’s software wasn’t so awful. There’s a …

How to tell managers they're wrong about UX research and still get hired

How to tell managers they’re wrong about UX research and still get hired from Dave Travis over at Userfocus. Heard these before? ‘Market research uses …