Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Robots Ain't Got No Body

Interaction with robots is the out-there end of interaction design’s spectrum. Far beyond just designing an interface on a screen, you need to design a …

Playing Word Games in Blog Comments

I just noticed a whole series of word-association and other games going on in the comments of Fail Blog posts. I have no idea if this is a new phenomenon, but I …

Google SearchWiki

Google have just launched an additional service called SearchWiki for those with a Google account. Basically you get to add notes to search results or move …

The Designer's Review of Books Launches

If you haven’t already heard from me about it, I launched The Designer’s Review of Books at the end of last week. I’ve been so busy reviewing …

G-Speak - Back to VR Gloves Again?

It’s the gloves again. Part of me wants to believe G-Speak is really is a fantastic “spatial operating environment”. The mouse and keyboard …

I Don't Know What This Is, But I Like It

If anyone knows what this is all about, please leave a comment and let me know. In the meantime, enjoy the surreal interface. [UPDATE: Apparently it’s the …

Sprint's Now Machine Data Overload

In keeping with the seemingly American obsession that more data one has the better (especially on TV), Sprint have launched a viral campaign called the Now …