Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

The thinking behind Growl

Great interview over at Drunken Blog with Chris Forsythe, the lead on the Growl project. For those that haven’t checked it out yet, Growl is a …

The King Has...

Great new project from Krister Olsson over at Tree-Axis called “The King Has…” We all carry secrets we cannot reveal. Taking its name from …

Have surfboard, will travel - A classic Aussie sight

This drop-top car with a surfboard in the back passed me the other day in traffic. I couldn’t resist a quick snap, it seemed such a classic Aussie sight.

Cameraphones as personal storytelling

Howard Rheingold has just written an interesting summary of a paper by Keio University researcher Daisuke Okabe. Okabe has made an ethnographic study of …

The Art of Experimental Interaction Design

Just a quick post to tell you to rush out and buy The Art of Experimental Interaction Design published by IdN. My ex-Antirom colleague Andy Cameron edited it …

Will Apple buy TiVo and create iTorrent?

Okay, so I’m a little behind on this story from Engaget about Apple possibly buying TiVo. But, hey, it’s the week before semester starts and …

Bike Kill

Great short film called “Bike Kill” from my lovely and talented friend Rachel Meyrick. It’s the Black Label Bike Club, Brooklyn NY doing weird …