Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Understanding Your Thinking & Communication Style

Understanding Your Thinking & Communication Style

A classic human bias is to assume everybody else thinks the way we do, but of course they do not. Understanding your thinking style and how you manage that when …

Presenting your portfolio and yourself for interviews

Presenting your portfolio and yourself for interviews

When people will present their portfolios of work, they often forget the most important thing, which is the storytelling about themselves. Every week I spend my …

Why does quitting your job make it more enjoyable?

Why does quitting your job make it more enjoyable?

Why do people have the best days of their jobs when they’ve just quit? And what can it tell us about how we relate to work? Every week I spend my days …

Management & Leadership as Slow-Motion facilitation

Management & Leadership as Slow-Motion facilitation

Instead of thinking you have to become a business suit as a design leader, what if you think about management and leadership as slow-motion facilitation, using …

Starting at the End + Avoiding Pointless Meetings

Starting at the End + Avoiding Pointless Meetings

Every week I spend my days coaching design leaders. In these videos, I reflect upon common themes and questions that came up. This week, getting started by …

Scaling Yourself + Two Tricks for Clarity & Stakeholder Management

Scaling Yourself + Two Tricks for Clarity & Stakeholder Management

Every week I spend my days coaching design leaders. And in these short videos, I reflect on common themes and questions that come up. Last week. I talked a bit …

Managing Up and Meta-Communication

Managing Up and Meta-Communication

I spend my days coaching design leaders, helping them improve themselves and their organisations. Since so many common themes and interesting questions come up, …