Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Value versus Values

That extra ’s’ makes all the difference. Whilst we are talking about the dysfunctional desire to reduce the world to bottom-line numbers, there was …

Design Maturity

Leah Buley, Director Design Education at InVision, and a wider team from InVision just published the Design Maturity Model. I very much preferred this to …

History Repeating

This week’s Doctor’s Note is all about value versus values. That extra ’s’ makes all the difference. Here’s the first part of it. …

The Box Is All There Is

AI getting sneaky Recently, I wrote about the games that AI’s play, gaming training environments as logical responses to the reward and assessment stimuli they …

Reading Habits

The original of this article was published on Medium. I have a distinct childhood memory, queuing up at the railway crossing that was always a feature of my …

Corporate Culture and the Games AIs Play

The original version of this article was published on Medium. One of the fascinating features of artificial intelligence is how much it tells us about …

Doctor's Note

I plan to keep blogging here, though the slowdown of content has been mostly due to me procrastinating about platforms (Wordpress, Hugo, Medium, newsletter). …