Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Archetypes and Metaphors

There is an interesting piece over at Johnny Holland by Rahul Sen titled Archetypes and Their Use in Mobile UX. It’s probably worth reading it and coming …

Higher Education is about to crash and burn, says Seth

I couldn’t help but agree with Seth Godin’s summary of the coming melt-down in higher education – it’s an almost perfect echo of the themes I …

In the Event of My Death

For my mother’s 70th birthday celebrations, my sister-in-law, Naisha, put together a book of family photos ranging from my mother and father’s …

Come and Study in Luzern, Switzerland!

If you are interested in studying service design or product design, textiles or animage and living amongst some of the freshest air around, we’re …

Not More Products - Uncovering Local Networks

I spent a day last week with Lavrans and Ben from Live|Work putting our brains together for a project we hope will help spread lots of ideas about service …

Creative Waves - COTEN - Call for Participants

When it comes to thinking about higher education designers – or perhaps just design academics – seem to suddenly forget everything they know. We teach the value …

CRT Suicides

There has been a rise in CRT monitor suicides due to the ever growing popularity of LCD screens.