Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

3G Phones go Wi-Fi - so what's the future for mobile telcos?

Interesting to read this story from Wendy Grossman on Wired today about the British company, Cambridge Silicon Radio and their new Wi-Fi chip, UniFi, aimed at …

Fleabilly - the extraordinary in the ordinary

I have just written a new article for Desktop (Issue 200) about photographer, artist, compositor, Ray Lewis. The boyfriend of my lovely pal Rachel, he’s …

Connectivity, privacy, porn and the generational shift

I thought I’d post a new entry in response to the comment by Euph about not having any personal space any more with regards to the Sound Pryer post. So, …

Find out what the person next to you in traffic is nodding their head to...

Regine from ever fascinating and brilliantly titled We-Make-Money-Not-Art has just posted a story about the SoundPryer from the Interactive Institute in …

Boring 3D far from boring.

I’ve just been checking out Jimmy Maidens’s Boring 3D website which is far from boring and has some beautiful 3D “cartoons” I suppose …

Playpen renamed and rebuilt

I’ve just re-built the entire blog with MovableType now instead of Blogger and renamed it Playpen, which I felt was more apt and less pretentious than …

Amazon goes back in time

I just ordered and had an album delivered to my God-daughter via Everything went fine, as it usually does, but check out the order status - they …