Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Sponsor my brother for cancer awareness

Matt (insanely) cycling up Mont Ventoux, Bedoin in 2hrs 13mins My brother, Matt, beat cancer back in 1996 and is, thankfully, still with us. On the 26th July …

Paleo Future

Image: Paleo Future The future isn’t what it used to be. Whilst looking around for an image of a flying car for a presentation, I stumbled across the …

Do you shutdown or sleep?

(Photo: Paul Watson) What’s the emotional difference between shutting your computer down and putting to sleep? Or turning your phone onto silent mode …

The MultiTouch Cell

MultiTouch have just launched the “world’s first modular multi-touch LCD screen that can be used to create large tables and wall screens.” …

Physical interface design gone wrong

Instructions Originally uploaded by Paul Hagon. It’s a tap. It can’t be that hard, but it is. And the instructions make it even more of an …

Flap to Freedom

Flap to Freedom from Chris O’Shea on Vimeo. Battery hens flap to help battery hens in the Flap to Freedom installation that Chris O’Shea and …

Coffee Infographics

It’s pretty hard to find a decent cup of coffee sometimes here in Germany. It’s one of the things I miss from Australia. And forget any of your …