Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Yahoo! Mail Championships

A few months ago I spent a very fun couple of weeks doing some work for the folks over at Poke where my friend (and ex-Antiromer) Nik Roope is one of the …

Googlemap of Design Books

Markus Dressen has laid out a selection of his favourite books and created a Googlemap of them. Most of them are design and art books and provide an interesting …

The War on Blogs

Now that large corporations like Dell have started to ‘get’ blogs since the various Dell Hell blog posts started panning their stock price it …

Top Hat and a Tail

So of course Greyworld’s Andrew Shoben couldn’t let me name-check Antirom on YouTube without sending me one of his own. This one of him wearing a …

Funtain - bad name, nice idea

I hate the name, but Funtain is a nice idea. It plays with water and sound and plugs into those strong childhood memories of playing with water. Thanks to Karl …

Antirom Performance

I love YouTube, it really is becoming the archive of the world. Here’s a bit of the RGB performance Nic Roope, Joe Stephenson and I did when we were at …

Pixelsumo links

Rather than cross-posting from my Bauhaus blog, I just want to point you in the direction of a post with some very good links on interactivity, environments and …