Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

BitTorrent Searching

An article over at Wired announces the development of a BitTorrent search engine developed by none other than BitTorrent’s inventor, Bram Cohen. The …

The New Laws of Television

The second part to Mark Pesce’s Piracy is Good? is now up on Mindjack. Bianca wrote a comment to my previous post that I thought I would pull out here …

Piracy is Good?

Just been reading Mark Pesce’s Piracy is Good? on Mindjack. They’re serialising parts of his forthcoming book, Hyperpeople. Those of you (all six of …

Needies - high maintenance toys

A brilliant but scary development from Amos Bloomberg, Daniel Perlin, and Brett Schultz at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, …

Forgive and Forget

This was English rain. Not the erotic tropical lashings from the movies in which the starlet gets improbably caught wearing only a t-shirt and no bra, but the …

America We Stand As One - real or not?

I so want someone to tell me for sure that “America We Stand As One” is not a spoof. If it is it’s brilliant in its double bluff, but I have a …

R.I.P. Web Pages and Browsers?

I have always thought that browsers were a step backwards in interaction design. Just as designers were starting to explore and understand how to speak in this …