Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Moved to Hugo

As previously mentioned, I’ve finally moved off of Wordpress and am running my blog as a static site using Hugo hosted on Netlify. What does this mean for …

Next Conference and eDay

I’ve given a couple of shorter versions of my Creativity in the Age of Synthetic Realities talk recently at Next in Hamburg and Emerce eDay. It’s a …

Design for the long term

During my move from Australia to Germany I somehow missed posting the talk I gave at Web Directions Design 18 called Design for the Long Term (another version …

Design in the Age of Synthetic Realities

Design in the Age of Synthetic Realities

An AI generated face

AI-generated and mixed realities are blurring the boundaries of “truth” and challenging how we value it. Synthetic Realities have reached new heights of …

Learning from Ed Sheeran

Learning from Ed Sheeran

I went to see Ed Sheeran live the other day. I can assure that’s not a sentence I thought I would be writing. At the start of his meteoritic rise, I couldn’t …

Storytelling, Pitching and Synthetic Realities at UX Australia 2019

I’m heading back to Australia in August forUX Australia 2019 where I’ll be running a workshop on Storytelling & Pitching for Designers and …

Innovation = Conversation + Doing

“What should we be doing to be increase innovation?” It is a very common question from clients. It’s not unreasonable, since the chatter around innovation is …